


Who is Christian Student Fellowship?

We know how important it is to have space to explore faith, life, and friendship in your own way.
That’s why CSF’s Christian community strikes a unique balance between supporting your faith journey and protecting your freedom.


Live In Housing

Find a place you love to call home on campus.

Be trusted to take ownership of your community!

  • Live in a student-led community

    Help lead the community

    Same amenities as campus housing but with the support of a loving faith-based community

    Great food!

    Fireside chats and meaningful moments with friends

    Tons of room to find your own space when you need it

    Unexpected adventures

Faith Community

Freedom to explore your faith with peers!

Space to ask questions and make your faith your own.

  • Learn to forgive and practice compassion and grace

    Friends to join you on the journey

    Staff to mentor and guide you

    Diverse Christian backgrounds to learn from

    Be challenged to grow

    Take on leadership opportunities

    Be a blessing to others

    Find the joy of Jesus in service projects and serving others

Fun Student Experience

Make lifelong friends and create unforgettable memories!

Avoid getting “lost in the crowd” in a huge university.

  • Find greater enjoyment of your college experience

    Claim freedom and control over your experience

    Have great adventures

    Find acceptance and a place to belong

    Take in all IU has to offer with friends: sports, theatre, concerts, festivals, and more.

    Create a diverse community of friends who broaden your perspective and experience

    Prepare your mind and soul for your future after college


Are you currently a student at IU?


Can I be part of Christian Student Fellowship if I don’t live in the CSF house? 

For sure! The ideal experience at CSF is found in living in the campus house, but IU students who live elsewhere join us in all of our activities and can be found visiting the house all the time. We’re here to support you, too!


But won’t living in a “Christian” house limit my freedom? 

No one would blame you for worrying whether life in a Christian house on campus will feel too structured and restrictive. 

It’s only natural to feel protective of the freedom you’re about to gain. We get it. Christians are famous for focusing on what shouldn’t be done instead of what’s possible in Christ, but our take on this might surprise you. 

We believe Christian community should help you embrace your newfound freedom and make the most of it. 

Explore faith, life, and friendship your own way during college. 

CSF’s non-denominational Christian community strikes a unique balance between supporting your faith journey and protecting your freedom. 


CSF surrounds you with support. 

We’re the only Christian student organization with its own housing on campus. You’re surrounded by friends and supported by our staff and events every day.

CSF respects your freedom.

There aren’t a ton of rules, and you choose the activities and events you want to engage in. Being a part of CSF’s weekly worship experiences are what grounds our community in relationships and faith.

CSF is a student-led community.

Your voice matters here more than you can imagine. You want a Christian community where you can grow in faith and explore your new life with like-minded friends. 


Searching for ways to get connected?
Check out our events calendar


Meet Paige:

I tried many college ministries on IU's campus, and I would suggest any freshmen to do the same. I never felt like CSF was trying to sell themselves to me. No one at CSF ever put unreasonable pressure on me to love CSF. 

People there just DID love it. 
People at CSF are welcoming. 
People at CSF care about the gospel and about fellowship and discipleship and growth.

These things were clear to me without someone having to tell me. That's why I chose CSF to be my home at lU.


Living at CSF is a Hoosier experience
of deep faith, friendship, and transformation.

You’ve waited a long time for the freedom college brings.
CSF’s unique Christian community helps you find your people and grow in your faith while giving you space to explore college life on your terms. 


Find Your People

Build intentional community with other students and explore faith and life together.

Serve & Love Others

Spend your years at IU making a difference as a disciple of Jesus on campus.

Grow In Your Faith

Ask hard questions, pursue authentic faith, and grow closer to Jesus.


Christians are wired for community. We need each other to grow in our faith.

At the very heart of scripture is this powerful truth ^

Living in CSF’s Campus House, you find the friendships and freedom you need to explore your faith and ask tough questions. At the same time, our residents have a blast sharing adventures and making memories with friends from every corner of IU’s campus. it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.