One of the most unique components of our ministry at CSF is our campus house.
A wonderful 28,000 square foot facility that currently houses 52 of our college students and provides a space to minister to so many more. Of course, as great as it is, God warns us that He does not live in houses made by human hands (Acts 7:48, Acts 17:24, Isaiah 66:1-2). Instead, He longs to live in the hearts, minds, and souls of the people He created (James 4:5, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Romans 8:9). Therefore, our top priority at CSF is to be a place where college students experience and surrender to the Personal Presence of God. This hope is not rooted in or dependent on any facility or manmade structure. However, God does tell us that He loves to give good gifts (Matt. 6:25-33, Matt. 7:11). We believe our campus house is one of these gifts and we want to be faithful stewards of everything He entrusts to us. This past summer we were able to accomplish several much-needed projects to help care for and maintain our facility. We just want to celebrate these things with you, and ask that you join us in thanking God for all He is doing at CSF.
-Ben Geiger, Lead Campus Minister
Click below to see before and after pictures of the projects we’ve completed!
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