Use your story & influence to connect others to the CSF Campus House
Use your story & influence to connect others to the CSF campus house…
WITH FRIENDS and family: Ask if there are any incoming IU students who would like to live in christian community. invite friends and family to schedule a tour at csf this summer.
with your church: share your csf story with the youth group and find out if there are any incoming IU students interested in living at csf. invite your youth group or the incoming iu students to come visit csf or find out more about the house on our website.
with your high school: share your csf experience with incoming iu students at fca/younglife/school chapel. invite these students to visit csf or find out more about the house on our website.
Just in case you need a few pointers for advocating, here’s an overview of CSF & how someone can get connected:
CSF is a non-profit christian student ministry that has been at iu for over 50 years.
CSF is a campus ministry that also offers housing for up to 70 residents (co-ed & undergrad).
CSF is an approved housing exemption with Iu for freshmen
As the hub of the ministry, the campus house is a common meeting place for csf events, which provides many opportunities to build community. These opportunities include our weekly worship service “Encounter”, small groups, social events, service opportunities, and a little 5 cycling team.
amenities for living at the house include an in-house cook, free laundry, all utilities included, parking, study rooms, lounge spaces, basketball court, and more…
people interested in applying or finding out more about the campus house can go to